The oxcart technique is all about reaching your goals, once and for all.




This is the coaching to make it happen.

The ONLY Goal Achieving Technique endorsed by some of the top minds in
Science, Business, and Self-Improvement
in the WORLD!

from terry:
How it all began

"I finally gave up."

I was born in literally the poorest city in the entire U.S., a small Texas/Mexico border town, surrounded by gangs and drugs.  I was on the wrong end of an assault rifle in Jr. high – in my own back alley.  In high school, my father was killed.  Before he died, one of the neighbors came up to him and said

“I just want to make sure you understand something: 

Not a single one of your boys will EVER grow up to be anything.”

I tried to prove him wrong.  I immersed myself in all the self-improvement stuff I possible could:  All the books, and the tapes, and the seminars, and I did everything they said.  I set goals.  And failed.  And set goals.  And failed. And failed.  And failed.

Until I just couldn’t fail any longer.  And I finally gave up.

I guess he’s right:  

"I'm never going to grow up
to be anything"

It was in that tear-filled moment of quiet desperation that I realized the missing piece of the puzzle in goal setting: 

That critical piece that everyone left out, but made all the difference in the world; that, if I truly applied it, would help me reach ANY goal I set!

And the Oxcart Technique
was born

My life changed forever.

I used the Oxcart Technique to:

Reach the top 1% in my entire industry – in the world
Write a #1 bestselling book on Wall Street Journal, bestselling book on USA Today
Win a Survival Reality Show
Be fit enough as the oldest competitor on the entire show!

Have a happy, healthy marriage

Help other people succeed financially, lose weight, get fit, save marriages, get past addictions
Reach virtually ANY goal they have!

Then I knew I had to reach more people.

Does this sound familiar?

You’ve had a goal;

  • maybe a financial goal – a business you wanted to excel in
  • or maybe a weight loss goal – you’ve really wanted to finally lose those pounds and look good in a bathing suit (or less)
  • or maybe a relationship goal – you love your spouse, and there may be some challenges, but you want to get through those and be happy again
  • or maybe all three!

Whatever it was, you were REALLY excited at the start, but over time life seem to get in the way, and the excuses made sense, and you found you hadn’t reached that goal… again?

And maybe over time you gave up on that dream; gave up on that goal.  You think “What’s the use?  I’ll probably just fail again anyway.”

it can be frustrating!

You’ve tried all the techniques out there.  You’ve read the books, and listened to the audios.  Maybe even gone to seminars and heard some great speakers.  God knows you’ve seen lots of gurus on the internet!

They’ve said things like ‘if you dream it, it will come true’, and ‘all you have to do is visualize it, and the universe will go to work making it happen.’

And you’ve heard about the Harvard Study that showed that 100% of the people who wrote down their goals achieved them.  100%!  You may have even heard stories about people who wrote down their goals, put them in a drawer, found them years later, and they had all come true!

So you wrote down your goals, and visualized them time and time again; event set up a dream board with pictures of how great it’s going to be when you reach those goals – when you make the money, or lose the weight, or have happy relationships.

But still, nothing.

Why doesn't it work?

So many of us are taught to ‘just visualize your goal, and the universe will make it happen.’’ Yes, that sells stacks of books and makes people feel warm and fuzzy, but this method just doesn’t actually work.  

First of all, if you don’t take positive action, there won’t be any positive movement, period.  There’s a phrase “God helps those who help themselves.”  Whether you believe in God or not, the phrase still stands true:  The universe helps those who help themselves!

Positive visualization is critical, but by itself it’s just not enough to keep us working toward our goals when times get tough and we want to quit.

What about that Harvard Study showing that 100% of the people who wrote down their goals reached them?

It never actually happened.  

That’s right:  Harvard has confirmed that someone just, plain made it up; and it’s been repeated so many times that people believe it’s true.

“I‘m dedicated to helping people achieve positive, lasting behavior change, for themselves, their people, and their teams. Terry L Fossum’s book, The Oxcart Technique: Blueprint for Personal Success, focuses on that, too. This book gives you a novel twist to the old ‘carrot and stick’ marketing principle that is simple — and simply powerful.’ Whether you want a successful marriage or to become a successful teacher or to quit smoking or to just earn more money for yourself and your company — Fossum’s The Oxcart Technique spotlights your way to success.’’

Marshall Goldsmith, Author of New York Times Best-Selling books Triggers, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There and The Earned Life, and named ‘One of the Top Ten Business Thinkers in the World’

There is hope.

Please listen very carefully:  you can achieve everything you set out to do. Whether it’s taking your career to the next level, growing your business, losing that weight or having a GREAT marriage, you can do it.

This is not ‘’sunshine and rainbows’’ to make you feel good. 

This is a tried-and-true goal-setting system based on Nobel Prize winning science, backed by some of the top names in science, business, and self-improvement in the world. (notice the amazing endorsements on this page!)

It’s the subject of Terry’s #1 bestselling book on Wall Street Journal, and of his upcoming TEDxTalk, expected to get thousands and thousands of views!

And most importantly, it’s the technique that took him from failing and failing, never expected to grow up to be anything, to high success in many different fields!

The missing piece of the puzzle

If you’ve tried to reach a goal in the past and failed, you’re not alone.  It’s been estimated that 92% of the people who strive for a goal fail – and there’s a reason why.

You’ve heard that “if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”  And yet so many people keep doing what they’ve always done!  They keep trying the old methods that don’t work, and wonder why they don’t get the success they were hoping for!

Listen:  If you want different results, you have to take different action.

Is it time?

Introducing the Oxcart Technique -
Your Blueprint For Personal Success

The Oxcart Technique – Blueprint For Success hit #1 Bestseller on Wall Street Journal for a reason – it works.  It received accolades from some of the top minds in the world in science, business, and self-improvement in the world for a reason – it works.

Imagine having the father of the Oxcart Technique himself coaching you, teaching you the subtle nuances that make all the difference, guiding you along the way; helping you become more successful, become healthier, and have better relationships in your life?

What would that be worth?

What difference would it make in your life?

What if you finally reached that financial goal?  What difference would it make in your life?  How would it feel to be financially secure?  To no longer have those financial worries?  To get rid of that stress?  To be able to afford whatever you wanted?  What would you be able to do then that you can’t do now?

What about losing that weight?  How would it feel to look in the mirror (dressed, or not!) and be proud of what you see?  To look at photos of yourself and go ‘Dang, that’s a good picture!’  To be able to do the things you want to do with people special to you – your kids, grandkids, significant other – or just yourself!

To have that relationship with your significant other that you read about in books, or see in movies (usually Hallmark or Disney!)  where you may be two different people, but you share one heart.  There’s no one in the world you’d rather spend the rest of your life with; and they feel the same way about you.

Or maybe this is something much more serious – maybe an addiction you’ve tried and tried and tried to overcome.  How would it feel to have the upper hand when those cravings come creeping back in, tempting you, teasing you; to be able to have the strength to say “There’s no way in cold (heck) you’re coming back into my life” – and it works?  Can you imagine that feeling of strength?  Of power over it?

It’s time to make it happen!

Terry L. Fossum
be your personal coach!

Terry L. Fossum grew up in the poorest city in the entire United States of America, surrounded by gangs and drugs. When he was in middle school, he found himself staring down the barrel of an assault rifle in his own back alley. In high school, his father was killed. Before he died, one of the neighbors approached him and said, “I just want to make sure you understand something. Not one of your sons will ever grow up to be anything.”

Things didn’t turn out that way.

  • International entrepreneur achieving the top 1% of his entire industry – in the world.
  • #1 Bestselling Author on Wall Street Journal, and Bestselling Author on USA Today.
  • #2 TEDxTalk in the world.
  • Survival reality show winner as the oldest contestant on the entire show, against Special Forces, military survival instructors, a 4th degree ninja blackbelt, and more!
  • Air Force Officer, the Executive Officer for an entire Group of Nuclear B-52 bombers during the Cold War. 
  • Award-winning Actor and Producer.
  • Global adventurer with expeditions around the world.
  • International keynote speaker.
  • Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do.
  • Global Philanthropist.
  • Smitten husband and proud stepdad to 3 amazing young men.
  • Asked to become a TEDx Speaker to share the Oxcart Technique with the world!
He’s overcome amazing obstacles, and is excited to help you overcome yours!

what can YOU expect?


You are going to learn to master the Oxcart Technique, and apply it to any goal you ever have in your life – for the rest of your life.

You’re going to learn how to be more successful in business, in your finances, your health, your relationships.

You’re going to gain control over every facet of your life.


An inspiring and highly-informative online course giving you point-by-point direction of what to do every step of the way.

  • Assignments at the end of each section to guide you to specific actions.
  • Timely feedback on those assignments to ensure you’re on the right path.
  • Weekly Group Coaching Call WITH TERRY which means you’ll be learning directly from the inventor of the Oxcart Technique himself! 
  • An accountability partner which means that you won’t be going through this journey alone!
  • Private facebook community so you’ll be surrounded by like-minded people working toward high success, and input from Terry that only members will get!
  • The expertise to be able to apply the Oxcart Technique to virtually every single goal you ever have – and achieve it.

Client update:

I’ve joined SAG, I got my first “Guest Star” role on a television series, I’ve lost 27 pounds, and my attitude is one of hope and positivity. 
I’ve shared the example of the Ox Cart carrot and stick many times to help my friends and especially my daughter, through some of their roughest times! My relationship is still going strong as well. Life is a gift, and we each come with our own gifts to share. I’m fully in sharing mode now!!!
Thank you for sharing your wisdom, experience, and love of life with me, and now with the world! I knew there was something very unique and special about you when I met you – and now I know the hundreds of reasons why.
Faye Allen

What's expected of you?

  • Be serious about making a lasting, positive change in your life, whether it’s to be more successful, healthier, have better relationships, or all 3!
  • Be at a place in your life where you’re able to make the  financial investment in your future.
  • Be coachable and ready to learn and apply the technique to all areas of your life , for the rest of your life!

the most important investment you'll ever make is an investment in yourself!

If not now, when?

  • How much more money could you make if you were more successful in your career – or a new one?
  • How would losing that weight or becoming more fit change your confidence – your life?
  • Would improving your relationships make a difference in your life?  What happens if you don’t?

It’s time to stop hesitating.

It’s time to take that first step on your journey.

It’s time to reach new heights.

It’s time to WIN!

Not quite sure if you're ready?
No worries!
get a free video training and mini ebook here!

Reaching High Level Goals with The Oxcart Technique

You've been held back by your self-doubts, fears, and excuses long enough.  It's time to propel yourself out of your Comfort Zone and into your Conquer Zone!  Click here for a special video presentation and mini ebook to help you create a whole new life!

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